Hello my dear English-speaking students!
I have great news for you. It is not secret that my Russian-language courses at the moment (June 15, 2019) consist of 17 full lessons.
With a certain periodicity, new lessons were added to video tutorial course (CG Bandit educational course / Corona renderer).
That is why, the update of the English course is delayed, because it takes time to translate.
Finally it happened! 16th lesson consisting of two parts is already translated:
Lesson 16.1 - 145 min
Lesson 16.2- 192 min
Total: duration of lesson 16 is -337 minutes.
You can purchase lesson 16 for 30$.
Video translated into English by subtitles only !
In this tutorial, I explain understanding of algorithm for my workflow how to render the white interior.
I explain in detail about my author's algorithm for post processing the interior, called: "reflector absorber". And I also continue to familiarize you with how I lead the post processing of interiors, telling you how to make high-level visualization even better.
If you like my course and it helped you, then the 16th part will be very useful for you. At the moment, lesson 17 is being translated. I hope that my course really turned out to be useful for you and you will get 16 lessons for $ 30.
For buying Lessons16, please write a personal message to the author-manager of the educational project CGBandit "Valentin Kuznetsov":
My PayPal: valentin_born@mail.ru